Equipping Classes
We are excited to announce that sign-ups for the equipping classes are now available. This fall we have a variety of new and some recurring classes for everyone to participate in. Date and times vary and we want to encourage you to take a look at each one of these and sign-up for one of them.
Membership Class
The purpose of this class is to learn about Biblical Church Membership, and/or apply for Membership at City Bible Church.
Baptism Class
The purpose of this class is to learn about Believers Baptism, and/or continue on to be baptized at City Bible Church.
Marriage: The How-to-Guide
This class will be devoted to learning and applying Christ's perfect design for marriage. The class will be theological and yet extremely practical. This class is encouraged for anyone who is married, engaged, or desires to be married in the future.
Firm Foundation: A Study in the Book of Romans (Fall 2021)
This class is a unique Bible study in the Book of Romans that will help the student form and solidify a spiritual foundation in the Word of God.
Women in the Church
What exactly does Christ say a woman can and cannot do in the Church? Is your answer based on "Christian culture," or Christ? In a world that is growing increasingly confused about the uniqueness of gender, may the church's understanding be clear. This class is a Bible study of select texts that reveal God's design for women in the church.
Homiletics: How to Preach/Teach
If you're interested in learning more about how to prepare a message/lesson/etc, you are welcome to attend. The class will consists of lectures then you will have a few weeks to prepare a message for an assigned text and then present the message in a lab setting. More details will follow.
How Our Local Church Goes Global
As we think of the return of Christ, we should be about the spread of the gospel. Join us in learning about how we go from local outreach to reaching the nations. Christ is calling everyone everywhere to repent and we want to participate in that commission in a way that honors our Savior.
Community Groups Back from Break
We know many of you have missed community groups this summer since they went on break. This week most groups started meeting. If you are new and have not had a chance to attend one, you can sign up at the Community Group Fair or go to our Community Group page to see which group is in your area. We have 15 in various parts of Sacramento.
TYG "The Youth Group" Booth for Teens
After Service this Sunday, August 22nd there will be both available for teens and parents to drop by and learn a little about this ministry. They will have games, information about TYG, and our TYG staff will be available to answer any of your questions. We welcome parents of teens and any teen to check it out after service today.”
Union Gospel Mission
Come by for the great outreach opportunity to share the gospel with the homeless men and women of Sacramento. Every 4th Monday of each month our church leads the worship service at this shelter.
If you are interested in getting involved, register and come out to this event. You can also connect with Ben Ito afterward if you want to continue coming.
Please register so that we can know that you will be joining us.
Men's Breakfast
Summer is over and we are ready to start sharing an early morning meal together. Join the men of CBC for this unique type of fellowship as you grow in God's word and the relationship with other men of the body.
After you can stay to help out with the building renovation, so come prepared with a change of clothes and your tools.
Please register so that we can know how much food to provide.
Members Meeting
Join us as we discuss our ministry plans for 2021-2020 and present our budget. We will also some other Church Life topics at this meeting.
This will be held right after service and we will provide lunch for you and your family Register to let us know that you are coming so that we can prepare the lunch.
Dinner for 8
Yes, you heard it right. We are launching our dinner for 8 again and the first one will be held on August 29th at 6 pm. If you're new to CBC you are probably wondering what is dinner for 8. What you do is sign up to either host a dinner or to attend a dinner where there will be a total of 8 people around a table that you do not know. It is potluck style, so you will need to bring something. The whole purpose of this dinner is to get to know people within the church that you usually do not hang out with.
We always lack host homes and ask that you strongly consider hosting a dinner. Register below to host or attend.
Recommended Apps
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ZoomZoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your Computer, iPhone, or Non-Apple Phone. |
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Church Center AppChurch Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhone, iPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App) |
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Telegram AppSaints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to recommend the Telegram App highly. Click the image below to view the details to download it. |
Social Media
Did you know that one of the easiest and most passive ways you can help advance the Gospel is by interacting with our Church's social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better on Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.