Merry Christmas City Bible Church 

Staff Christmas Card (Invitations (Landscape))

Merry Christmas City Bible Church!

It was a joy to gather yesterday to remember our Savior’s birth and worship Him with all our hearts. As the year draws near, we reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness this year. We experienced many challenges and joys individually and as a church.  

We are so grateful to every one of you who contributes to the life and well-being of this body. We are especially thankful to our pastors, who are invested in our spiritual well-being. They constantly think of our needs and how they can bring us to love Jesus more and walk as mature believers. We all feel the effects of their prayers for us and faithful teaching of God’s word. 

We do not know what next year will look like, but we can confidently say it will be good as we trust in the Lord’s work in and through us. Christ’s church will continue to be used by Him for His purposes, and we are all part of it. Let’s strive to grow in our knowledge and worship of Him as we serve together. 

Please pray for them in this new year so they have the wisdom, strength, and joy to do the work they were called to. Pray that our church loves God and loves people as we make Him known to all nations and serve together.

We are praying for you and praise the Lord for you.

All glory be to Christ!

CBC Staff