Solano's Update Call

Join the global missions team on Sunday, February 7th at 10 AM and the Solona's to get an update on where they are at and what the Lord is doing in their life at the current moment. Register for this event and you will be emailed a zoom call link.


Equipping Classes

We are excited to announce that sign-ups for the equipping classes are now available. This fall we have a variety of new and some recurring classes for everyone to participate in. Most classes kick off on Sunday, February 14th. We were reminded about the importance of Learning in the Church from Donald Whitney's book this last month, and we want to encourage you to sign-up for one of these classes.

  1. Membership Class
  2. Baptism Class
  3. Fundamentals of the Faith
  4. How To Read and Study the Bible for All It's Worth
  5. Search and Rescue: How to Reach Everyone with the Gospel
  6. Perception through Promises: An Old Testament Survey
  7. Financial Stewardship


5th Anniversary Celebration - Save the Date

Time flies when you're having fun and when God actively at work in the Church. We have the desire to gather together outdoors on Saturday, February 27th to celebrate God's faithfulness all these years. Save the date and come out to celebrate with us.

We need your help in finding a location where we can celebrate this occasion. Please contact Eugene Gol if you have any leads for outdoor venues large enough for 500 people plus parking.

Church Camp - Save the Date

Save the date for our annual church camp at Hartstone Christian Campgrounds. Put in your PTO and start saving for August 5th through August 7th. If you wish, there is an option to come a day earlier on August 4th. Registration will be opened closer to the date. See more details at the link below.




Recommended Apps



 Zoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your ComputeriPhone, or Non-Apple Phone

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 Church Center App

 Church Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhoneiPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App)

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 Telegram App

 Saints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to recommend the Telegram App highly. Click the image below to view details to download it. 


Social Media

Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better on Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.