Equipping Class
CBC is offering a slate of equipping classes that will start the first week of March. You never regret learning more about God from God’s Word. Equipping classes are designed to help you grow in various areas of life–we highly recommend taking a class this season so you can grow side-by-side with your CBC family.
This spring, CBC is offering the following classes:
- How to Study the Bible
- Fundamentals of the Faith
- Boldness and Beauty: Men and Women in the Church
- The 4:11: When Speaking is Serving
- Ready! Set! Go!: Equipping the Children Ministry Volunteer
- Shepherding a Child's Heart
To register for a class. We encourage you to register early so that you can participate on Day 1 of your class(es)!
Membership Class - Around the corner
Unlock the blessings of officially becoming a member at CBC! When we are born again, we are grafted into the body of Christ, which makes us heirs to God’s kingdom (amazing!). In the present life, we become members of a local body (church), which God specifically designed for our encouragement, sanctification, and nourishment as believers.
CBC’s membership class provides critical information about what CBC believes and the bible doctrines we affirm as a church. The classes will also cover membership expectations, how it plays out in our daily lives, and what the Bible has to say about local church membership. For class enrollees, if you want to move forward with membership at CBC, you will be asked to complete an application and interview with a designated individual.
Dinner for 8
Dinner for 8 is a signature CBC quarterly event that helps you to meet and grow deeper with your church family. Sometimes, the most memorable (and unexpected) connections happen at Dinner for 8! Give it a whirl on Saturday, March 19th! There are two ways you can participate:
- Be a host! You can volunteer your home to host a group of 8. Host homes are expected to provide a main dish and the attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish, dessert, or drinks.
- Register to attend a dinner! You can choose to participate and you will be assigned a home to go to. When you register, you will be provided an opportunity to ensure your family or someone you need to be with are grouped together in the same home.
The registration for this event will close on Saturday, March 5th at 10:00 PM, so be sure to register as soon as possible:
Add Your Photo Church Center
We know you have been saving that profile pic for the perfect opportunity. What better opportunity than to help CBC members better identify one another (way better than social media)? Our church directory helps you put names to faces!
To add (or update) your profile picture, send your photo to admin@citybiblesacramento.com.
Men’s Round Table: February 11
This Friday, February 11, 5:45 am at the church office (1101 51st Street), CBC men will gather, dive into discussing lying (specifically lying when there is a "greater cause" at stake). The Round Table concludes at 7:00 am.
Register and mark your calendars and join us. No need to pick-up coffee on your way to the church office–medium blend coffee and pastries provided.
Women’s Breakfast: February 12
On February 12 (Saturday) at 9am, the women of CBC are getting together for fellowship, food, and God’s Word–phenomenal trio! This breakfast event is open to women CBC members, non-members, friends, or anyone who would like to get to know our community better. The breakfast will be at the church building (1101 51st Street).
Our sister, Pam Jones will be speaking on Luke 14:25-35 (the cost of discipleship).
RSVP to the breakfast by February 9th to be eligible for a WOMEN of GRACE conference admission ticket (@ Grace of Fair Oaks on April 2, 2022). Everyone who registers by 2/9 will be entered into this raffle and one lady will win a fully-paid ticket to the conference!
Please take a moment to RSVP so we can plan food accordingly. If you're interested in helping out at this or a future women's event, please reach out to Sveta Solovyeva