Ladies Breakfast


Don't miss out on the ladies' breakfast this Saturday, March 13th at 9am. You can expect great fellowship and the study of God's Word. The event will be held inside at Dante's Club.

Please register quickly so that the organizers can accommodate all who will be coming.



Men's Breakfast


If you have never attended a men's breakfast, you are missing out. Join the CBC men on March 20th at 8:00am for fellowship, growth, and prayer. The event will be held inside at Truck Site in Rio Linda.

Please register quickly so that the organizers can accommodate all who will be coming.



Good Friday Service

We want to invite you to join us around the Lord's Table as we remember Christ's life and death for the atonement of our sins. This special short service will be held at Grace Avenue Bible Church on Friday, April 2nd at 6:30pm. After service, we will have a fellowship hour with refreshments. Save the date and register when the event opens up.


Easter Service

Not only do we remember Christ's life and death, but we also look forward to celebrating His resurrection. Join us on Sunday as we worship together on Sunday, April 4th at 1:30pm.


5 Year Celebration Photo's

5 Year Vlad 5 Year Board

Some of you are still talking about our 5 Year Celebration Event we had a week ago and we wanted to provide you a link to the photo's taken at that event. 



Sign Up to Help Setup

If you are not involved in any way at CBC, we want to encourage you to contact Mike Derjabin and sign up for our band set up and tear down crew. We need your help to get all of the equipment up for Sunday service. Please email him at



Recommended Apps



 Zoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your ComputeriPhone, or Non-Apple Phone

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 Church Center App

 Church Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhoneiPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App)

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 Telegram App

 Saints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to recommend the Telegram App highly. Click the image below to view details to download it. 


Social Media

Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better on Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.