Calling All Member - Sign Up to Serve


Some of our teams at CBC need your help because they are understaffed. Please prayerfully consider and sign up to volunteer in one of these areas. There are also other opportunities to serve. Click on "Get Involved" below and complete the form to let us know how you would like to serve.

General Setup & Tear Down

Every Sunday we have to set up everything for service and at the end put everything away. Our facility team volunteers show up over an hour before service and stays an hour after to tear down. Some of these volunteers serve every Sunday because they don't have a big enough team to have a good rotation and to get Sundays off.

Music Tear Down

The music ministry is looking for volunteers who can stay after service to help out by putting away all of the equipment and wires. They currently do not have enough people to be to put everything away quickly to enjoy fellowship after service.

Events and Food Ministry

We are planning for and kicking off many events as you have noticed and might have attended a few of them. The events ministry and the food ministry are looking for people who love to plan and coordinate parts of our upcoming events. Volunteer to help carry the massive load of these ministries. 


Maybe you are good with technology and want to serve in our livestream team or technology team. We need help with the setup and orchestration of the feed to the world wide web.



Church Planting Conference 

Church Plant Conf

If you are interested to learn about church planting and hearing some testimonies from individuals who planted, sign up for this conference that is hosted by DOXA Church in Rocklin, CA. The conference is in a couple of weeks April 9th-10th and costs $50 to attend. See details and sign up below.



Women of Grace Conference: Live Stream Gathering

Women of Grace Live Event Calendar

If you did not get a chance to sign up for the Women of Grace conference at Grace Bible Church, we are having livestream viewing for ladies at CBC on April 17th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m at the Gol's home

The speaker is Dr. Lisa LaGeorge and she'll be sharing from Ephesians 1 Blessed in Christ. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. You are welcome to bring snacks if you'd like. This will be a great opportunity to fellowship and grow together. 

Register quickly because space is limited. If all spots are taken, sign up for the waitlist and we will try to find a second host home.  



Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast 4.24

Round two this year for our men's breakfast. Just a few weeks ago we had over 100 hungry men come out to this breakfast. Hungry for food and for God's word. This month we are holding another breakfast on April 24th at 8 am at Dante's. We will be meeting inside this time and want to invite you to come on by.

Register so that we can know that you are coming and better prepare for this breakfast.



Women's Retreat

Womens retreat

Register now before this retreat fills up. There is a limited amount of spots available for this retreat and we want to invite you to this annual CBC women's retreat. This year we could not get Zephyr Cove and will be going to Hartstone Bible Camp May 20th-21st. The cost per individual is $149. It will be a great time of digging deeper into the word and fellowship with other ladies at CBC.




Recommended Apps



 Zoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your ComputeriPhone, or Non-Apple Phone

church center app slide 720

 Church Center App

 Church Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhoneiPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App)

Telegram 720 

 Telegram App

 Saints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to recommend the Telegram App highly. Click the image below to view details to download it. 


Social Media

Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better on Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.