New CBC Members


Hello Church! Praise the Lord for our growing CBC family as last Sunday we got to greet and celebrate our 46 new members! Take a peak to see who they are and greet them when you see them. 


Family Dedication - May 22nd

Family Dedication 2021

Last call to register your family for our Family Dedication is on May 15th, so register your little ones so that your family can be prayed over by the Pastors and church on May 22nd. Invite your friends and family to rejoice in this wonderful celebration!

Register here!


Men's Breakfast - May 21st

Mens breakfast 2022

Gentlemen, the time is approaching for you to feast on Bread of Life while being fed breakfast breads. That time is ... May 21st at 8am at the Church Building! Sign-up now to reserve your morsel.

Register here!


Church Camp Planning Meeting - We need volunteers


This Tuesday, May 17th at 6pm, we are having a Church Camp Planning and your presence is requested! All who are interested in helping plan or helping execute this camp plans please join to help! 

If you have any questions please contact Lori Marquez.

Register here!


Church Prayer - May 22nd

Church Prayer 11.14.21

Sunday May 22nd at 5pm we will be gathering at the Church Building for our Church Prayer. Join other saints for this blessed time to pray over the praises and needs of our Church. See you there!

Register here!


Building Update


Things are coming together very quickly since our last update! Last week we had two bathrooms completed with tile and a third one is getting completed tomorrow. Today the paint is being finalized on the lower level and things are starting to look really nice. Tomorrow our carpet installer is coming in to prep and start installing carpet later this week. Our electricians will also be installing lights, plugs, and everything else.

The upper level had all the electrical work completed, insulations installed, and now is getting sheetrock installed this week to prepare for texture and paint in the next 3-4 weeks. The front of the building no longer has trenches for the utility upgrade and the concrete is being poured to patch the parking lot.

We are excited on how quickly things are being completed and we want to thank Dima Herman, his team, volunteers, and all the contractors for making this go so smoothly! We are blessed to have had a few members in our church give significant amount of their personal time to help us in many different trades. Thank you all for your efforts and prayers!