May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021Men's Breakfast
Hurry and Sign Up or you might miss out. This will be our final event before we take the summer off for the men's ministry. Join the men, Saturday May 15th at 8 am at Truck Site, as we enjoy Christian fellowship, encourage one another, and grow to be Christ-like through the Word of God. If you are wondering if breakfast is provided, the answer is yes.
Please register so that we can know how much food to provide.
Women's Retreat Registration
We need to get a final headcount for the ladies' retreat next week May 20th-21st. We will be closing the sign-ups this Friday. The Retreat will be at Hartstone Bible Camp. The cost per individual is $149.If you plan on attending please register asap so we can prepare accordingly.
Here is a google carpool sheet for those of you who are interested. You can sign up to be a driver or a passenger.
For the ladies who have registered already please bring a snack, you would like to share with the group. It could be a snack or drinks.
Baptism Sundays
Come and experience the joy as you hear how the Lord was good to sinners and brought them out of darkness into the light. On May 16th and 30th we will get to hear the testimonies of men and women whom the Lord saved and who will proclaim their faith through baptism.
This week we will have a special guest speaker from Los Angeles before our baptism. Here is who is getting baptized: Grant Luman, Zack Fonseca, Eli Zhuchenko, Sophia Dubinetskiy, Noah. Dubinetskiy, Austin Dubinetskiy.
Church Prayer
In a few weeks, we will be able to meet in person to pray together. Join us at 5 pm on Sunday, May 23rd in the Church Office parking lot. Let us devote ourselves to prayer for the church and each other no matter how we gather for it.
Ministry Fair
As our church grows rapidly, so do the needs within the various ministries. The City Bible body serves each other in many ways through the volunteers that commit themselves to those ministries. Just think about it, every Sunday you come to enjoy an outdoor service where everything is set up for you to worship together. You bring your kids to children's ministry and they come home with bible verses and snacks. And the fellowship we get to enjoy when we meet with men and women for the various events and get equipped.
On May 23rd right after service, we will have tables set up so that you can get involved and help our ministries grow. Every person has their place within the body of City Bible, and we hope you can find your place through this event.
Church Building Fundraiser
After months of patience and prayer, we are moving forward with the purchase of a building in East Sacramento. Click on the "Learn More & Partner" below to get informed and find answers to some question's that you might have.
We need all of you to partner together to be able to make the renovations and purchases that are necessary to equip this building for us to move into. Currently, we are 25% of our Goal of the fundraiser. We rejoice at this opportunity to continue growing our ministry in East Sacramento.
Recommended Apps
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ZoomZoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your Computer, iPhone, or Non-Apple Phone. |
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Church Center AppChurch Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhone, iPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App) |
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Telegram AppSaints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to recommend the Telegram App highly. Click the image below to view details to download it. |
Social Media
Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better on Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.