Men's Round Table

Round Table 11.5.21

Pastor Vlad reminded us that Proverbs 20:13 says "Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread." Men we hope to see many of you at our round table tomorrow Friday, November 5th, at 5:45 am.

The best way to challenge yourself to be there that early in the morning is to register and commit to it. The topic will be Biblical Courage & Hope.



Women's Breakfast

Women's Breakfast 9.25

Next Saturday, November 13th join the women of CBC for a sweet morning of fellowship and food, centered around God's Word! It will be held at 9 am at the New Church Building.

We look forward to seeing you there - spread the word, bring a friend. This could be a great way to introduce your unbelieving friends to Christ and the Church Family

Please register so we know how much food to prepare. 



Member Meeting

Members Mtg 11.14 

After service on November 14th at 12:15 pm in the auditorium, we will be holding our quarterly membership meeting. We will be reviewing the financials for our last quarter, discussing the building renovation progress, and talking about other church life matters.

We will have some snacks for you to grab for the meeting. If you are not a member, you can still attend this meeting if you desire. 


Church Prayer

Church Prayer 11.14.21

That same evening on November 14th at 5 pm we will hold our Church Prayer. Don't miss out because we will not be having our prayer meeting on the fourth Sunday because we know many people travel for thanksgiving.



Baptism Recap

Baptized 10.31.21


It was such a joy to hear the testimonies of Joel Lopez-Trejo, Mark Vovnyuk, Allison Toth, and Isaac Hinds. we then watched then publicly proclaim the death and resurrection in Christ through water baptism. We ask that you pray, encourage, and keep them accountable in their walk with their savior. 


Building Renovation Update & Needs

Building 11.4.21

  1. We passed all the demolition permits and now progressing to the construction portion of the project.
  2. We finished installing the accent wood slats and the entire color scheme of the building is now visible. 
  3. 830 chairs arrived at the building this week.
  4. The main worship center had the role-up carpet fitted. 
  5. The bathroom for the nursing mothers room is being demolished
Act Now
  1. Continue pray for McClaskey Adult Center staff to respond positively to our request to use their parking and grant us the permit.
  2. We need to clean up the leaves and clean the gutter this Saturday, sign up when you see the request on Telegram.
  3. Check the Telegram Group for renovation needs. Join Telegram Group.
  4. Continue to give since the project budget increased due to expansions upon the original remodel scope and a few items we could not foresee before our purchase. Give Now.