
Baptism 10.17.21 


Wasn't it so joyous to hear the testimonies of our sisters and then watch them proclaim their faith through baptism? We want to congratulate Angelina Kharena, Christina Polishchuchenko, and Polly Kravchenko on this memorable day. 

If you missed it, you can still join us to enjoy the testimonies on part two of our baptisms on Sunday, October 31st. We are so excited to celebrate this occasion as Allison Toth, Isaac Hinds, Joel Lopez-Trejo, and Mark Vovnyuk proclaim their faith through their verbal testimonies and water baptism.


Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast 10.23

Some of you are still kicking yourself for not joining the last breakfast because you snoozed too many that morning. Well, you have another chance to join the men of CBC for this unique type of fellowship as you grow in God's word and the relationship with other men of the body.

Please register so that we can know how much food to provide.



Church Prayer 

Church Prayer 10.24

It's been a month since our last prayer meeting because we had to cancel the one earlier this month. I know that some of you are anxious to come together again and pray. Join the church as we pray together for the various needs of our church family and the ministries of CBC this Sunday, October 24th



Union Gospel

UGM 10.25

You might have heard us continually emphasize the importance of sharing the gospel, and you might not be sure on how you can get started. Come by and participate in sharing the gospel with the homeless men and women of Sacramento. This upcoming Monday, October 25th our church will lead the worship service at this shelter.

If you are interested in getting involved, register and come out to this event. You can also connect with Ben Ito afterward if you want to continue coming.

Please register so that we can know that you will be joining us.



Dinner for 8

Dinner for Eight 10.6

Looking for an opportunity to get to know more people at City Bible Church? 
We invite you to participate in Dinner for 8 for a great time of fellowship and breaking bread! You can register to attend a dinner group or host one at your home. Host homes are expected to provide the main dish, and the attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish, salad, dessert, or drinks. Please click the “register” button below and fill out the questions provided to specify if you would like to host or attend a dinner. Make sure you register your families together and write down if there is someone you need to be in the same dinner group with. 

The registration for this event will close on Saturday, October 30th, at 10:00 PM. So if you would like to participate, please complete your registration before this deadline, as dinner group assignments will be finalized shortly after.



Building Renovation Update & Needs

Bathroom Demo.JPG 

  1. The worship center is painted and the lights are now working. Man, it looks beautiful.
  2. This week we passed most of our inspections for the demolition permits.
  3. We started on the plumbing of the bathrooms.
  4. The nursing mother's room is fully demolished.
Act Now
  1. We are almost done with our mechanical and electrical plans and most open items have been worked through. Continue to pray that everything is figured out soon and we submit for permits.
  2. We are slowing down in our need for volunteer help, but we do need your help from time to time. Check the Telegram Group for renovation needs. Join Telegram Group.
  3. Continue to give since the project budget increased due to expansions upon the original remodel scope and a few items we could not foresee before our purchase. Give Now.