Local Outreach Opportunity

Outreach 10.31.21

Church family we want to make use of this occasion to reach the lost souls of Sacramento. Our Outreach is on Sunday, October 31. There are three places that you can participate. Please join our Telegram Group by clicking here. If you don't have the Telegram app, and don't want to download it, please contact Pastor Ben Ito to sign up for a time at ben@citybiblesac.com.

Old Sacramento/DOCO (2:30pm to 4:30pm)

Old Sacramento is buzzing with people on weekends and during special events, and on Sunday, we expect both. The saints will be passing out candy and tracts in goodie bags, and seeking to engage people in Gospel conversations. Join us, and engage as much or as little as you like. Join the Telegram group or contact Pastor Ben to sign up. 

Church Building Porch (5:00pm to 7:00pm)

Since our church building is set within a residential neighborhood, we are leaving our "porch light on" and inviting our neighborhoods to meet us in a booth on our property where they can receive candy and tracts. Fellowship with other saints, while we engage our community with the Gospel, and some sugar. Join the Telegram group or contact Pastor Ben to sign up. 

Church Neighborhood (5:30pm to 7:30pm)

During the prime time when families are walking from house to house, walk with them, or join Pastor Ben on the CBC pedicab to ride through the Fab40's and continue to engage the community around our new church building with "Beats + Treats," playing music and finding a new friend to meet. Join the Telegram group or contact Pastor Ben to sign up. 

REGISTER to let us know you are interested and coming.


Missions Class - Guest Speaker

Pastor Raed and Minar Awabdeh

You are cordially invited to come to meet and hear from Pastor Raed and Minar Awabdeh this Sunday morning at 8:15 am, October 31st. They have been engaged in Syrian refugee resettlement and outreach for over the last twelve years in Greater Sacramento. This gospel ministry has expanded to reach other Arabs coming from the Middle East, most recently the resettlement of the Afghani people. They have established an Arab Church as well as a Learning Center.

Churches in the greater Sacramento area have partnered with their organization, Arab American Learning Center, in reaching these Muslims for Christ. Come hear about the enormous opportunities for Gospel outreach as they share with CBC in our Global mission equipping class exploring future partnerships. The class begins at 8:15 am in the little gym (adjacent to the main gym).

Please REGISTER to let us know you are coming so we can better accommodate everyone.


Baptisms - This Sunday

Baptism 10.17.21 


If you missed the last baptism, join us Sunday, October 31st and enjoy the testimonies on part two of our baptisms. We are so excited to celebrate this occasion as Allison Toth, Isaac Hinds, Joel Lopez-Trejo, and Mark Vovnyuk proclaim their faith through their verbal testimonies and water baptism.


Dinner for 8

Dinner for Eight 10.6

Looking for an opportunity to get to know more people at City Bible Church? 
We invite you to participate in Dinner for 8 for a great time of fellowship and breaking bread! You can register to attend a dinner group or host one at your home. Host homes are expected to provide the main dish, and the attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish, salad, dessert, or drinks. Please click the “register” button below and fill out the questions provided to specify if you would like to host or attend a dinner. Make sure you register your families together and write down if there is someone you need to be in the same dinner group with. 

The registration for this event will close on Saturday, October 30th, at 10:00 PM. So if you would like to participate, please complete your registration before this deadline, as dinner group assignments will be finalized shortly after.

This is your last chance to sign up. We NEED host homes. Open up your home to have people over for dinner.



Building Renovation Update & Needs

Building 10.28

  1. This week we are installing the accent wood planks in the worship center.
  2. We removed all the old insulation in preparation for electrical work and to reinsulate.
  3. Started to install low voltage lines for the climate control system the will be installed in the future.
  4. The building got an alarm system installed on it to monitor break-ins and fires.
Act Now
  1. Please pray for McClaskey Adult Center staff to respond positively to our request to use their parking and grant us the permit.
  2. We need to clean up the leaves and clean the gutter this Saturday, sign up when you see the request on Telegram.
  3. We are slowing down in our need for volunteer help, but we do need your help from time to time. Check the Telegram Group for renovation needs. Join Telegram Group.
  4. Continue to give since the project budget increased due to expansions upon the original remodel scope and a few items we could not foresee before our purchase. Give Now.