Missions Update - Asia
Praise God, many prayers were answered, the CBC's missionary pastor, has received his VISA to travel to Bangladesh, October 13-24th. He'll be conducting two training venues, each will have about 15-20 Bengali pastors.
Please pray for:
- God's hand of safety and protection for all travelers - Our missionary and the Bengali pastors. Our missionary will be taking a COVID test this Monday. The flight is 25 hrs. one way.
- The training in the Word of God (venue #1 Genesis, venue #2 Mark and Habakkuk) encouragement and equipping of the pastors.
- Bony, our in-country coordinator, along with Charles, Mitra, Theophil as they make the arrangements and translate.
- The multiplication of training to 10 other groups by these pastors, as they take what they have learned and pass it on.
- Craig Parro, Word Partner staff, as he will be the Bible conference speaker for 200 national Bengali youth leaders, in the first week, and will join Alan in the second week.
- 4 P's: Protection, Provision, Power, Presence
- May God's glory spread throughout the Nations!
We also, want to invite you to a special class this Sunday. We are going to have a special guest talk about the state of Christianity in China. We meet at 8:15 behind the gym across the quad. You're welcome to come.
Church Prayer - Canceled
This Sunday's prayer meeting is canceled. Unfortunately, the paint of the worship center took longer than expected and we could not complete it in time for this meeting.
Join us on Sunday, October 24th for our next prayer meeting. It will be held at the New Church Building at 5 PM
Women's Breakfast & Craft
Join us for a time of fellowship filled with food and fun crafts on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00 AM. Amy Atkins will be leading us in a macrame style wall hanging craft and we will be hearing two testimonies of the work of God in the lives of our sisters. We hope you can join us! Please register, bring a friend, and spread the word!
This location is being decided, so lookout for an update with that information.
Baptisms this Month
We are so excited to celebrate this occasion as our fellow brothers and sister proclaim their faith through their verbal testimonies and water baptism. Join us on October 17th and 31st for this special occasion and be encouraged by the proclamation of God's good grace in the sinner's lives.
Dinner for 8
Looking for an opportunity to get to know more people at City Bible Church?
We invite you to participate in Dinner for 8 for a great time of fellowship and breaking bread! You can register to attend a dinner group or host one at your home. Host homes are expected to provide the main dish and the attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish, salad, dessert, or drinks. Please click the “register” button below and fill out the questions provided to specify if you would like to host or attend a dinner. Make sure you register your families together and write down if there is someone you need to be in the same dinner group with.
The registration for this event will close on Saturday, October 30th at 10:00 PM so if you would like to participate please complete your registration before this deadline, as dinner group assignments will be finalized shortly after.
Building Renovation Update & Needs
- Many of you came out this week and we were able to get a lot of demolition done in preparation for construction. We want to thank all of you who helped us at the building this week.
- The worship center is almost done with paint. It is exciting to see it all come together. Many of you will get to see it at the next prayer meeting.
- The bathroom was completely demoed and the floors were removed in preparation for plumbing.
- The hired electricians started to document and removing the old wiring in preparation for all the electrical work.
Act Now
- The plans for the renovation are getting close to being complete. Please pray that we are able to resolve all the open items and figure out all unknowns so that we can submit for permits.
- Check the Telegram Group for renovation needs. We have skilled and non-skilled tasks that are being updated daily. Join Telegram Group.
- Continue to give since the project budget increased due to expansions upon the original remodel scope and a few items that we could not foresee before our purchase. Give Now.