Ministry Fair

Ministry Fair 2021

Looking for ways to serve at CBC? This Sunday, after Corporate Worship, we will have our bi-annual Ministry Fair, during which you can check out the ministry needs of our church and sign up to join the ministry! So be sure to stick around after service and join our ministry fair.


Men's Roundtable

Men's Round Table 4.22

Gentlemen! Join fellow early birds for the Men’s Roundtable gathering this Friday at 5:45 am. Pastor Vlad Burlaka will lead a thought-provoking discussion, and participants will enjoy pastries, coffee, and fellowship. 

Register here!


Men's Breakfast

Mens breakfast 2022

Now gentlemen, if you are a little bit of a later bird, our Men’s Breakfast is gathering at 8 am on Saturday, September 24th. The series “Theology Matters” continues with Ty Nickelberry speaking about "Demonology". Sounds interesting? Be sure to come and feed the soul and the body with your brothers in Christ! 

Register here!


Corporate Worship and Family Dedication

Family Dedication 12.12.21

CBC Members! The last chance to register your little ones for our Family Dedication and Corporate Worship service is this Sunday (September 18th) at 11:59 pm, as our Family Dedication service is coming up on September 25th. The dedication is a public commitment by parents to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4) and as a Church to keep the parents accountable for this commitment. Register today and invite your friends and family!

Register here!


Thessalonians Scripture Journal

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Are you loving our encouraging and convicting series on Thessalonians? Become an even more equipped listener by purchasing the Scripture Journals for Thessalonians to better follow along with the text and take notes. Pre-purchase your copy for $4 and pick it up at the Welcome table before or after service or in the church building from 10 am-3 pm on weekdays!

Pre-purchase here!



Serve 1080

Speaking of serving, we have two ministries that are searching for volunteers!

Video and Production Ministry: Our Video and Production team is looking for people who have production experience or are willing to learn to serve our church body.

Set-up and Tear-Down: Our Set-Up and Tear-Down team is looking for interested individuals to help move chairs for various events and set them back up for Sunday corporate worship.


Union Gospel Mission

UGM 10.25

UGM is coming up on September 26th! Come and serve the local homeless community with beloved saints of CBC as we host a service for them and preach the gospel.

Register here!