Men's Meeting - July 14th

July 14, 2017

5:45am – 7:00am

Trucksite  View Map

Coordinator:  Vlad Burlaka

meeting image


We meet this Friday. Hope to see you there!
-1317 Vinci Ave Sacramento, CA
-Coffee & Donuts
This Friday we will talk about the Preface of our book "The Man Christ Jesus." Please remember the reason we are reading this book to to grow in our knowledge of who Christ is (Theology), but also practically learn how we are to be more like Him (sanctification) as we behold His glory.
Questions to consider for Friday’s discussion:
I will introduce the book a bit & talk about the influence that Bruce Ware has had in my life personally. 
  • What do you think you understand better? The truth of Jesus being a human or Jesus being God? And what makes you come to that conclusion that you understand one better than the other?
  • When you think about the perfect sinless Jesus, has looking at His life on earth through the gospels been a helpful example for you personally? In which ways?
  • “In my ten-year-old mind, I just couldn’t see how it would be fair, then, for God to call us to follow in the steps of Jesus, especially not to sin or to be angry at others who hurt us, since Jesus was God and we are not!”
    • Have you experienced or thought what Ware expresses here? At first glance does it seem fair that Jesus is our example to follow?
  • You ever tried to explain to someone that Jesus was fully God & fully man? How did it go?
  • Without reading through the book yet, why is the humanity of Jesus important?
  • Can you find any Scripture passages the describe the importance of Jesus being man?
See you Friday (Lord-willing)!