Baptism Sunday
Last Sunday, we got to witness and rejoice with 11 souls who were Baptized! Nicholas Brykov, Mica Artemenko, Jerry Karavan, Michael Sotenko, Jane Lopez, Vadim Korchevoy, Lucy Pizarro, Daniel Lungu, Joanna Loucks, Calvin Ng, and David Kapelkin all proclaimed their testimony of God's faithfulness in their life. Please continue to pray for them and the 12 individuals that were baptized earlier this year.
If you have come to believe in Jesus as Lord and saviour and desire to be baptized, please register for our upcoming Summer Baptism class starting on June 2nd.
Spring Festival - New Date
Hip hip hooray! Spring Festival is THIS SATURDAY! Join us April 20th from 2pm-6pm for a fantastic day of fun, fellowship, and food! There will be fun games, activities, jump houses and much much more! Be sure to invite your friends, families and neighbors!
Men's Breakfast
Gentlemen, this months Men's Breakfast is next Saturday, April 17th, at 9:00am. Join us as Nathan Hsieh continues the series of Disciplines of a Man, talking about how to discipline the mind, focusing on what is it that specifically governs our thought life. We hope to have you join us.
Members Meeting
CBC members and visitors, please join us for our members meeting on April 28th at 5:00 pm. Please be sure to attend as we will discuss important church matters and pray for our church! Nonmembers are welcome to join if they wish to learn more about our church and get to know our congregation.
National Day of Prayer
Join us May 2nd at 6:00 AM at our church building as we observe National Day of Prayer as a church body. We will pray together until 7:00 AM. In addition, we are asking our Community Groups to pray for the country on their regularly scheduled discussion times (both Wednesday and Thursday groups). We thank you in advance for your participation and desire to see God exalted and proclaimed in our country.
Coffee and pastries will be provided.
Membership Class
CBC membership class is beginning on August 18th! Whether you have decided to become a member or if you are just interested in learning more about what membership is at City Bible, sign up for this four-week class.