Christmas Service this Sunday
This news is not unique to you, since we exalt our Lord Jesus Christ every day, but it is an exciting opportunity to invite the "unchurched" to hear the good news of great joy that the Messiah has come. If you didn't receive invitations, you may share the graphic below and/or this link to your friends.
And be ready! While the Lord's Day is primarily for believers, be especially ready this Sunday to care for the visitor, and the stranger, and the orphan, and all who are outside the promises of God (Eph. 2:12). We have the most glorious news in the world!
2020 Equipping Classes
As mentioned in worship yesterday, equipping classes are an important part of life in our church body. If you could receive the same spritual profit by just "reading a book" we would not waste our time devoting hours to being together. Please let us know if you have any obstacles to attending equipping classes so that we can remove them.
- The Theology and Practice of Biblical Counseling (Jan-June 2020)
- Baptism (January)
- Fundamentals of the Faith (February)
- What is Church Membership? (February)
- Marriage: A How-To Guide (February)
- The Perspective of the Global Missions Movement TBA
Community Groups
With the growth of our church, we are committing plans to the Lord to birth new community groups in the next couple months. You are currently able to sign up to receive updates about those groups by clicking the photo below.
Upcoming Events
It's the most wonderful time of the year... to proclaim the good news of the Gospel. We are to preach the Word of God in season and out of season, and this is the most "in season" it gets. Please consider partaking in the joy of ministering together these next couple weeks.
Arden Fair Mall Outreach
December 23-24 (Monday and Tuesday). When our Christmas Service is over, outreach is not over. Sign up Here to Serve!
Prison Fellowship, Angel Tree Outreach
There is still one family that is in need of gifts purchased. Details and Sign up here. For those who have signed up, you will receive a family update soon. Thank you!
Prayer Meeting this Sunday
Union Gospel Mission Outreach
The 65 Street Community Group is leading the evening service on Monday, December 23.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
Social Media
One of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends.
- Instagram:@citybiblesacramento
- Facebook: @citybiblesac
Coffee and Counsel
Every Sunday Morning from 8:00am to 9:15am. Come hear the Bible applied to a variety of scenarios, and see how the "wisdom of the world" falls short. Sign up by clicking the photo below.
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