Men's Roundtable
Gentlemen! On Friday, February 9th at 5:45 am Men’s Roundtable is back! Join fellow men for a lively and edifying discussion centered around God’s word. Coffee and Pastries are provided.
Women's Conference
Our Women's Conference is 9 days away! Join us February 10th, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm, at City Bible Church as Manny Pereira will be speaking on "Awakening Awe: The Joy of Fearing God." The cost of this conference is $35 and includes delicious meals, various goodies, and a day filled with edifying discussions. Spots are quickly filling up so don't miss this opportunity to connect and be equipped!
Dinner for Eight
Dinner for 8 is on February 17th and registration closes tomorrow at 10:00pm! Please be sure to register for this event this to attend or to host before Friday and enjoy a great time of fellowship over a meal with wonderful CBC saints.
Please click the “register” button below and fill out the questions provided to specify if you would like to host or attend a dinner. Make sure you register your families or anyone you need to be in the same dinner group with together.
If you have questions please email
Equipping Classes
Be edified. Be equipped. Be sure to check out our awesome lineup of equipping classes. Be sure to sign up by clicking on the class title.
- Back to Eden
- Coffee and Counsel
- Discipleship Counseling 102
- Fundamentals of the Faith
- How to read the Bible: basic skills of Bible interpretation
- The Master’s Class: Evangelism
More details and times will be provided in each individual class group so be sure to check those out upon registration! Sign up for equipping class lunch here!
Men's Breakfast
What does it mean to be a “Godly Man”? From the gruel of everyday living to the extreme pressures that life brings, how can a man be sustained through it all
and still be found faithful as a disciple of Christ? Join us as we go back to the basics to learn about “Disciplines of a Godly Man” on February 24th at 8:00 am as we explore practically what it means to be the men God called us and designed us to be.
The Intro
What is City Bible Church about? Why do we exist? What do we believe? If you are new to the church and would like to have these questions answered by the leadership of CBC then we would like to invite you to join us at our new-comers event called "The Intro." There are limited spots each month and we want to encourage you to register to attend this meeting. This months meeting is on February 25th at 12pm.
Refreshments will be provided.
Marriage Conference
Gold Country Baptist Church has invited us to attend their "Care Conference: Marriage For The Long Run" on April 12th-13th as we hear from Dr. John Street, and God's Word, on the topic of Marriage.
This conference is intended for married and the unmarried and will focus on equipping you and your spouse to honor the Lord in your marriage. Topics include how to humbly love your spouse, perseverance, joy, handling trouble (including unforgiveness, anger, disrespect, impatience, irritability, and pride) God’s way, blended families (step families & adoption), and running the race without the baggage of unresolved conflict and regrets.
In God's glorious wisdom, He has designed and created marriage to be a blessing not a burden, and a beautiful way to glorify Him as you and your spouse grow in grace and sanctification together.