East Portal Park Tree Planting
CBC family ~ We have a unique opportunity to serve with our neighbors by planting trees in East Portal Park this Saturday, February 17th 9:00 am-11:00 am. No need to sign-up. Just come by, and the city will provide shovels and other materials, just come up to the City of Sacramento truck inside the park.
Spring 2024 Equipping Classes
Saints! Class starts this Sunday, February 18th! Join to be edified and grow in the knwoing and loving our Lord. Check out our cool class line-up:
- Back to Eden
- Do you know what it means to be a man? What is a woman? Join us for the fall equipping class, “Back to Eden: Grit Grace and God’s Design for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” as we explore what the Bible has to say about God’s unique design for men and women and how understanding both is vital in order to understand what it means for both men and women to be image bearers and to display the full image of God our Creator. We will explore a variety of topics that are aimed at equipping you to be able to answer from a biblical worldview the questions of our day and age, questions pertaining to men and women, and more.
- Coffee and Counsel
- Coffee and Counsel is an informal time spent together on Sunday mornings to discuss anything and everything under the sun. The discussion will range from spontaneous questions and answer to mini-series on different Biblical counseling subjects. Please come to be equipped, encouraged, edified, and energized for corporate worship together.
- Discipleship Counseling 102
- This course builds upon the foundation of discipleship/counseling from the first semester and continues the topic of marriage and family. Secondly, it looks to find Biblical solutions for specific sins and/or struggles for the Christian life (e.g., decision making, anger, depression, etc.).
- Fundamentals of the Faith
- Fundamentals of the Faith are 13 lessons of the basic biblical truths with topics ranging from the character of God to church participation. It will provide young believers with a rock-solid theological foundation and help mature Christians sharpen their understanding of key doctrines and equip them for evangelism and discipleship.
- How to read the Bible: basic skills of Bible interpretation
- The Bible is God’s written revelation to man, our only infallible rule of faith and practice. On one hand, it’s very easy to approach; one can just simply “take up and read”. And yet on the other hand it’s an ancient book ever fresh that requires us to dig and discover, getting to the heart of the divine authorial intent, so that we can rightly hear and do what God says in his word. Join us for this semester as we learn the basic skills of Bible interpretation.
- The Master’s Class: Evangelism
- In this class, we will learn how to minister the Gospel, by observing the greatest evangelist of all time: our Lord Jesus Christ. We will watch the Master, primarily in the Gospel of Luke- and how fitting, since Luke was the traveling companion of the second greatest evangelist of all time: Paul, the Apostle.
Location and times will be provided in each individual class group so be sure to check those out upon registration! Sign up for equipping class lunch here!
Men's Breakfast
Gentlemen, February 24th at 8:00 am CBC will host its first Men’s Breakfast of the year. Join as as we explore practically what it means to be the men God called us and designed us to be. The topic is going to be about the “Discipline of Godliness” with Bogdan Zagorodniy sharing the word. Register now to let us know you will be joining!
The Intro
What is City Bible Church about? Why do we exist? What do we believe? If you are new to the church and would like to have these questions answered by the leadership of CBC then we would like to invite you to join us at our new-comers event called "The Intro" on Sunday February 25th at 12pm. There are limited spots each month and we want to encourage you to register to attend this meeting.
Refreshments will be provided.
Global Missions Potluck
Saints! Our first missions potluck is on Sunday, March 10th 4:30 pm–7:00 pm. Join us as we celebrate the good work that Christ is using our church to do through our seven global mission partners! We will hear from each of them as they address their ministry and how we, as a church, can continue to partner with them for the sake of the gospel.
Join the fun and bring a dish that represents one of the regions we are praying for. Each community group has been assigned to a specific region. If you are not in a community group, just pick the most interesting region to you.
For any questions please contact jon.reeding@gmail.com.
Women's Conference Recap
Last weekend we had our second annual women's conference! Manny Pereira from Trinity Bible Church joined us and spoke on the topic of "Awakening Awe: The Joy of Fearing God." Our ladies were encouraged to see God as glorious and great, beholding him with the reverence he deserves.
If you missed the conference, do not dismay! Check out our conference audios using the links below!