Church Picnic
We are days away from our Annual Church Picnic on July 17th @ 1 pm. There is no better way to spend your Sunday afternoon GUARANTEED! So join us for food, activities, fellowship, and glorifying our Lord in delighting in him and his Church!
The picnic will be in Portal Park near the church building and you will need to find parking on the streets of our neighborhood. You will find the food in the parking lot and all the activities will be in the park. The building will be open for you to use the restrooms inside.
It will be warm so bring appropriate clothing and some lawn chairs to hang out in the park. Register so that we can know how much food we need to prepare.
Members Meeting
Our Members' meeting is coming up on July 24th in the evening at the new building (5:00 pm). These meetings are an excellent opportunity to get to know the inner workings of the Church and the plans that we have for this fiscal year. We will also discuss the plans for our move into the new building and some exciting new developments.
Non-members are also welcome to learn more about CBC!
Membership Classes
Are you not a member yet but are curious about what membership at CBC is all about? Here is your chance to find out! Sign-ups for our membership classes are starting for all those who are interested in exploring membership at CBC. Just sign up for the class to let us know you are interested!
Church Camp
Do you want to get to know more members of our wonderful Church? Do you like to enjoy the beauty of nature? If your answer is “yes” to both, be sure to sign up for our Church Camp from August 3rd - 6th! There will be fantastic opportunities to fellowship with other saints and worship our magnificent God together, so register while there are still spots!
The topic for this year's camp is "Join with Me," and Jess Arnds will encourage us with God's word on this topic.
Just a reminder that there are special discounts for large families:
- Kids under 5 are free
- Any family member after the 5th member goes for free
- Lastly, the 5th family member ticket price is half off.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Lori Marquez
Building Update
Tomorrow marks one year since we started our construction on the building and we are so excited to see it completed. We had to overcome many challenges and the Lord got us through all of them. Here is where we are at with our progress:
- We are swapping out HVAC controls after the first set didn't work out with the hydronic unit.
- We are doing final details in preparation for inspections to be held this week and next week.
- Our audit team is testing Audio equipment to dial it in for service.
- Stage lighting and video equipment were installed and tested.
- We are ordering and setting up furniture for lobby areas and classrooms.
- We are installing TV's and signage for classrooms and lobby areas.
- The front lawn is being replaced after underground work destroyed it.
There is still more to do and we want to ask that you keep us in your prayers. We desire to complete the inspections without corrections so we can get our temporary occupancy permit. Please continue praying for all of that.