Coronavirus Update
The church leadership is meeting tonight to discuss further potential precautions and actions. They will provide a response tomorrow (Friday). We appreciate your patience.
For now, we will continue to meet as usual (Heb. 10:24-25), but we also understand completely if you decide to stay home from church events, particularly if you or your family are in the "vulnerable" or "high-risk" categories. Our relationship with Christ is not ultimately dependent on our works/attendance, but His merit alone! Yet we desire to meet as an overflow of what He has done.
On that note, these events have served as natural prompts to engage in Gospel conversations. Be encouraged, and ready! Coronavirus has provoked rightful fear and anxiety in those who do not know Christ. Be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have (1 Pet. 3:15b), but in order to do this, Christ must be set apart as Lord in your heart (1 Pet. 3:15a). Sin has been a pandemic (in every sense of that word) long before Coronavirus, and has a 100% mortality rate. Warn them (Ezekiel 33:1ff. cf. v. 13).
Upcoming Events
Men's Roundtable-Friday Morning
Rise and Shine!!! What better way to start the day than over pages of scripture as you sip your cup of coffee and enjoy a donut. The best part about this morning is discussing important topics with other men so that we might be equipped to honor God in our lives.
Ladies Breakfast
Come join us on March 21st for our Ladies Breakfast at 9 am in the cafeteria at Hiram Johnson. Judi Callnon will be sharing from 1 Samuel 1. We hope to see you there. Please RSVP here (https://citybiblechurch.
Outreach and Evangelism
Please click here for information about Outreach and Evangelism at City Bible Church.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
Church Body Life App
Which App is the best for church body life? It's called the Church Center App, and it's the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhone, iPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App)
Social Media
Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends.
- Instagram:@citybiblesacramento
- Facebook: @citybiblesac
Coffee and Counsel
Every Sunday Morning from 8:00am to 9:15am. Come hear the Bible applied to a variety of scenarios, and see how the "wisdom of the world" falls short. Sign up by clicking the photo below.
Community Groups
With the growth of our church, we are committing plans to the Lord to birth new community groups in the next couple months. You are currently able to sign up to receive updates about those groups by clicking the photo below.
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