CBC Members & Attenders,
It was encouraging to see our church family come together this Sunday in their homes to worship God. Though live-streaming isn’t the same as meeting in person, we heard many testimonies of how the service was a blessing to you. Praise the Lord for that!
The Covid-19 situation is constantly changing. In light of the most recent CDC & presidential recommendations, as well as Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s "stay at home directives,” we have to adjust our plans for this week and the rest of the month. We’ll still strive to fulfill what the Lord calls us to do as a church, but in the meantime there will be temporary changes/adjustments to our regular gatherings and ministries.
Before mentioning the changes, we want to encourage you to continue to work hard in your pursuit of Christ, especially in the Scripture and prayer. As always, because you know Christ, you have two options of living your life: a) “being conformed to the pattern of this world,” or b) “being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is- that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2)." Let us continue to run to win, & still think of creative ways to fulfill the “one another’s” within the social distancing guidelines.
Sunday Corporate Worship
We will be doing church at home for the rest of the Sundays in March. So please tune into the livestream @10am on Sunday morning. We will sing, pray, & study God’s Word from home. Livestream LINK.
Community Group Changes
Now that we’re not able to physically meet on Sundays, we want to stress the importance of staying connected with your community group. However, there will be some changes to the way we’ll be doing community groups. This week your group has either been cancelled or moved to a video chat platform (Zoom).
We have a scheduled meeting this Sunday with all community group leaders to train them on the changes we’ll be making for the coming weeks, and your group leader will share those changes with you early next week. We have a plan & we’ll find ways to stay connected.
If you have not yet joined a CG, this is a good time to reach out to one of the CG leaders to ensure you stay connected/accountable to other believers.
Event Update
Due to gathering restrictions and the lack of location availability (Sac Unified is closed), both the women’s and men’s breakfast will be cancelled for this month.
For those same reasons, we are making adjustments to this Sunday’s (March 22) Church Prayer Meeting.
This Sunday’s Prayer Meeting (March 22) will be unique. We will begin with a Q&A over Zoom (Details Coming - we will send out a specific email for the prayer meeting & update the event page online), after which we will transition to a time of Corporate Prayer. Please REGISTER HERE so we can plan well.
Shepherding Care
Though many organizations are closing their doors, the pastors and the leaders are still working diligently to care for your spiritual needs. We are here for you & are willing to serve you in any way you may need. Please, if there’s anything that you need ranging from prayer, a word of encouragement, counseling, or anything else... let us know. Our door is open for you. We’re also preparing creative/practical ways for you to be talking to & praying with one another. More information to come.
Pastor Ben - pastors@cbcsac.com
Pastor Vlad - pastors@cbcsac.com
Eugene Gol (for administrative questions/requests) - admin@cbcsac.com
Children’s Ministry Resources
Since we are unable to meet together for the Lord’s Day, we have unlocked our Children’s Ministry Resources for you. At the following link, you can find both the Teachers Book for the Lesson of the Week, and the Family Devotional which gives you small devotionals to do with your children from Monday- Friday. We are hoping to also provide color sheets and potential activities you can do with your children in the near future. We will tell you the corresponding pages on the Livestream link.
Along with these resources, we are brainstorming other ways we can serve you & your children, we’ll email parents with more information in the near future.
Giving Reminder
As a church we continue to worship our Lord through the act of giving. Just as Eugene mentioned on Sunday, you can continue to support the church by giving in the following ways:
- Send checks to PO Box 161314, Sacramento, CA 95816.
- Give electronically through Subsplash
Friends, please remember that God is good, God is in control, and the bride of Christ will prevail. May you be encouraged with this quote by David Powlison, “Fear is a prediction of the future that doesn’t take into account the sovereignty of a good God.” We know the truth, therefore we trust in Christ.
Much Grace and Peace,
CBC Leadership