March 31, 2022
April 6, 2022Building Update
We got our permits. Praise God! This week, we will get all of the inspections that we need to proceed with work. Next week the bathroom concrete will be poured and the sheetrock contractor will start to close the walls. We ask that you continue to pray for momentum and rapid progress with contractors and all the work we are trying to get done in the coming weeks.
With that in mind, keep an eye out for the announcements on our Renovation Telegram channel. If you are not part of that channel, you can join below.
Women’s Retreat - May 12-14
Only 7 spots left, so register ASAP! This event is open to CBC members and those who attend CBC regularly. Registration will close on May 1, 2022 or when capacity has been reached.
The important stuff: Zephyr Point Conference Center, which has hotel-style guest rooms for 4 people, with private bathrooms, bedding, pillows, towels, 2 queen beds (bed pre-made!). Price for all this plus 5 meals: $150 (if you register before April 1) and $155 after April 1.
The focus of the retreat will be on the beautiful book of Philippians, where we will learn how to love, live, treasure and think about Christ by submitting our thought life to the glorious reality of the Gospel.
Questions? Financial assistance/scholarship request? Contact Lina Myrmyr at More information on the page.
Spring Festival (Volunteers Needed!) - April 16
This week, community groups will actively invite our neighbors to this event. We still have many open spots that need to get filled in order to make this event spectacular! Please sign up and volunteer to serve so we can properly prepare for this event!
The purpose of this event is to invite all our neighbors to a fun occasion and get to know them and they would get to know us as well. To serve our neighbors we will need all of you to volunteer for a small block of time to help at the event.
Volunteer to Serve
Missed the ministry fair a couple Sunday ago? Fear not! You can still sign-up to serve the church in so many different ways. Check out the various ministries and see where you can volunteer your time, talents, and thoughts.
Members Meeting - April 24
Members’ meetings are a priority! In our next meeting, CBC members can get “under the hood” and discuss family needs, finances, updates on our various ministries, and more. We welcome non-members to join if they wish to learn more about our church and get to know our congregation.
Our members' meeting will be after service at 12:15pm.