Shepherds Conference Watch Party
The Shepherds Conference Watch Party has started! Join the men of City Bible Church for 3 days (March 6th-8th) of live streaming the Shepherds Conference (! While only portions of the event are being live streamed, we trust that our gathering together will be a blessing to you in many ways.
We will have a space set up to allow for work if you have other obligations that you need to attend to while you're at this event. We will have some downtime in between streamed events to fellowship.
When you register, please select each of the days you plan to attend. Lunch and dinner are provided as part of your registration ($10/day).
Women's Breakfast
Ladies! Join us this Saturday March 9th at 9:00 am for our Women's Breakfast! Our breakfasts are a great way to get to know other women of CBC but most importantly they are a great way to be edified by the teaching of Gods word. This months breakfast Pastor Ben Ito will be continuing our series on Vanity Fair, encouraging us to fix our eyes on Christ and not vain pursuits of life.
We look forward to seeing you there! Be sure to register and let us know that you will be joining!
Missions Potluck
Our first missions potluck is on Sunday, March 10th 4:00 pm–7:00 pm. Join us as we celebrate the good work that Christ is using our church to do through our seven global mission partners! We will hear from each of them as they address their ministry and how we, as a church, can continue to partner with them for the sake of the gospel.
Join the fun and bring a dish that represents one of the regions we are praying for. Each community group has been assigned to a specific region. If you are not in a community group, just pick the most interesting region to you.
For any questions please contact
Men's Breakfast
Gentlemen, join us on next Saturday, March 16th at 8:00 am as we go back to the basics to learn about “Disciplines of a Godly Man” as we explore practically what it means to be the men God called us and designed us to be. This months Breakfast will be focused on Marriage and Fatherhood. Register now to be edified and encouraged!
Baptism Sunday
Saints! Join us for our first Baptism Service this Spring on March 17th at 5:00pm. Celebrate with us as saints proclaim their faith and testimony of Gods saving grace in their lives to our church and the world as they get baptized!
Spring Festival
CBC! On March 23rd 2pm-6pm Spring Festival is back! We are excited to host our Spring Festival for our church and our community. Join us for awesome fellowship and fun as we all know that a festival is not complete without bounce houses, dunk tank, carnival games, cotton candy, and nachos.
This will be a great opportunity to have some fun and get to know the neighbors around the Church Building.
Good Friday
Join us for our Good Friday service on March 29th at 7pm. We will remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ as he died as the sacrifice for our sins on the cross. We will be taking communion as a church and commemorating the body that was broken and the blood that was spilled so we would be made righteous before God and rejoicing at the great love that God bestowed on us.
Easter Sunday
Celebrate with us our Lord's resurrection on Sunday March 31st! Rejoice that our God was kind and merciful to us to send his Son to die and be resurrected and we now are heirs of Christ and for those who believe are one with God.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3) He has risen, he has risen indeed!
We will be having two services one at 9:00am and 11:15am, so please join us for one of them!
Marriage Conference
Gold Country Baptist Church has invited us to attend their "Care Conference: Marriage For The Long Run" on April 12th-13th as we hear from Dr. John Street, and God's Word, on the topic of Marriage.
This conference is intended for married and the unmarried and will focus on equipping you and your spouse to honor the Lord in your marriage. Topics include how to humbly love your spouse, perseverance, joy, handling trouble (including unforgiveness, anger, disrespect, impatience, irritability, and pride) God’s way, blended families (step families & adoption), and running the race without the baggage of unresolved conflict and regrets.
In God's glorious wisdom, He has designed and created marriage to be a blessing not a burden, and a beautiful way to glorify Him as you and your spouse grow in grace and sanctification together.