News and Updates



Please note that this SUNDAY OCTOBER 25TH we will be starting service at 10 AM. 

Men's Breakfast

This Saturday, October 24th, at 8AM the men of our church are gathering for fellowship, food, and the study of Gods word. This will be held at Dante's and we want to invite all men to come and grow in Gods word and be encouraged by other men. Please register so that we can know how much food to purchase for breakfast.


Men's Breakfast Oct 24

Baptism Sunday

This Sunday, October 25th, we are so excited to baptize individuals who want to testify to the world their faith in Christ Jesus. We invite you to come, celebrate, and hear their testimonies of God's work in their life. Baptism will be held at the end of the service.

Baptims 10.25.20

Members Meeting

City Bible leadership will be holding another meeting for our members. This is scheduled for October 25th at 6:30pm, over zoom. If you are a member you will be emailed zoom details on how you can access the meeting. Join and hear the updates for our church body, its life, and ministry.

Members Meeting

Ladies Hike

The ladies of our church are going to hike Clementine Trail to Clark's Pool in Auburn on October 31st at 7am. Please register so that the organizers of this hike may know to expect you. You can find more information and register on the following page.


Ladies Hike

"Halloween" Outreach

City Bible Church! On October 30-31 we are taking over Old Sacramento and K Street (DOCO) for Christ and the Gospel! The Old Sacramento waterfront will have a Ferris Wheel set up on October 30, so the city is expecting an increase in foot traffic here. In faith, sign up to serve in a slot and watch what the Lord will do. Bring the whole family! And pray and consider how you might like to connect and share with people:
  • Passing out Tracts
  • Passing out Candy
  • Street Performance (Music)
  • Street Performance (Talent)
  • Open Air Trivia
  • Open Air Q + A
  • CBC Booth
  • Video Interview
  • Sign up Here!


Men's Retreat - Register

Calling all men. I know many of you are interested but have not registered yet. Right now there three of us going, but we know there a many more who have not registered yet. REGISTER NOW and don't miss out. The retreat is on November 12-14 at the beautiful Christian campgrounds called Hartstone. We will have our good friend Tony Arnds speak to us at this retreat. Come and grow in your spiritual life and enjoy good fellowship.


Men's Retreat

New Online Giving Platform - Rebel Give

We are transitioning to a new online giving platform - Rebel Give - in an effort to greatly reduce the processing fees charged to the church. We would like you to begin using the new platform during the month of October as we will no longer be supporting Subsplash or Paypal in the upcoming months. If you give with your bank account it will be at no cost to you and to the church. Please visit our giving page to see how you can start giving using Rebel Give. We have prepared a useful instructional video and a page explaining how you can cancel your Subsplash recurring automated gift.


Family Dedication

We opened up registration and set up a tentative date for November 24th for this year's family dedication. Please register if you have an interest in being part of the dedication This is a public commitment by parents to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). This is a neat opportunity for parents to express their desire to raise their child(ren) in a home that honors Christ. It also gives our entire church a chance to pray for our little ones.



Women's Retreat - Save the Date

The women's ministry had to move the dates for the retreat to next year because of the restrictions at the retreat center. The new dates are May 13th to 15th at Zephyr Point Conference & Retreat Center. More information will and registration will follow in the future. Stay tuned.

Womens retreat

Nursery During Outdoor Service

We are thankful that we are able to use the indoors of Dante's to serve our parents with our nursery ministry. This is for children 0-3 years of age. You will see a sign-in table outside by the side door of the building. We are limited in the number of kids we can take due to the limitation of volunteers and if you have a desire to serve in this capacity, please let Anna Gol or the check-in table volunteers know.


Community Groups Started

This week all of the community groups are Chapter 4: Why Listen to Preaching in the Church? from Spiritual Disciplines within the Church by Donald Whitney. It's not too late to join and enjoy the Christian fellowship midweek with the saints of City Bible. Read Pastor Vlad's encouragement and update on community groups and join a group in your area.


Community Group - Light

Opportunities to Serve

We are very grateful full all the volunteers that make our ministries happen, but we a short of some help and want to ask you to volunteer. Currently, on Sunday's we need help with the setup and tear down of our outdoor services. Also, our media team is looking for designers, photographers, videographers, etc. If you have other gifts and would like to serve, to go ahead and visit the following serve page to let us know how you would like to get involved.


Computer (Coffee) and Counsel

We live in a world that is changing rapidly from day to day because of the speed that information can travel. Please consider joining this time to keep your feet grounded on the solid Rock of Jesus Christ in the midst of the storm. 

The Coffee and Counsel time has been temporarily moved to Saturdays, from 9:00am to 10:00am on Zoom. Please register here to be included on updates. 

coffee and counsel



Recommended Apps



 Zoom has become the temporary way in which we connect and "fellowship" while being apart. If you haven't done so already, please download this app for your ComputeriPhone, or Non-Apple Phone

church center app slide 720

 Church Center App

 Church Center is the best app to connect you to the internal areas of City Bible Church. You can download it on iPhoneiPad, or Android. (For sermon convenience, use our Public CBC App)

Telegram 720 

 Telegram App

 Saints, for Group Messaging between Members, we want to highly recommend the Telegram App. Click the image below to view details to download it. 


Social Media

Did you know that one of the easiest, and most passive ways you can help the advance of the Gospel, is by interacting with our Church social media presence (and other ministries). Even a simple "like" will help put our posts in the view of your non-believing friends. Comments are better in Facebook, since they equate the comments with popularity.