Dear Saints, 

Please pardon an extra communication this week for some Pastoral Updates. 

Pastor Vlad Vacation

Pastor Vlad and his family will be on vacation from Wednesday, August 19 to Wednesday, August 26. Please be sensitive of this if you need to communicate with him. Otherwise, you may still freely contact Pastor Ben and Eugene Gol for your respective needs. 

Pastor Ben Scheduling

In an effort to save some time in informally scheduling meetings, Pastor Ben is trying something a little different. Below is a signup to reserve blocks of the day with him. While Ben is absolutely willing to meet outside of these times, this gives you (members) the option to reserve a time without having to ask permission or what his schedule is. Appointment Link

Outreach and Evangelism Update

Tracts and Supplies

Since the sermon on Luke 10 a couple weeks ago, many of you have been asking about evangelism tracts and supplies. At our church office, there is a little room (that Pastor Ben calls "The Armory") that is home to all of our outreach gear. At the current time, there are about 9000 tracts, free Bibles, giveaway Bibles, Children's Bible's, etc. These are freely available to all our members. If you are ever in need of these items to support you, you can usually pick them up between business hours, but please check with our admin team first to prevent interrupting other office activities ( 

Thank You from Alternatives Pregnancy Center

Our church recently received this video from Heidi Matzke at APC. 

Equipping Classes


Last Sunday, we heard the Word of God remind us about Christ's gift given to us in providing pastors and teachers "to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-12)." There are a handful of equipping classes on the schedule for this next church year, meant to prepare you, and make you ready, for the good works that you are created for (Eph. 2:10). Here's a preview of the classes in start date order (you may find our equipping classes any time on Church Center)

(Note: The format of these classes is still flexible depending on size and space specifics. Thank you for your patience). 

Citizens and Saints

What is our responsibility as simultaneously citizens of the United States of America, and saints whose home is heaven? Now, may be a time where there is more confusion than ever. Details and Sign Up Here

Biblical Counseling Part 2: The Practice of Counseling

This class is intended for those who have completed Biblical Counseling Part 1: The Theology of Counseling, and How to Study the Bible. However, for the unique context that we currently live in, we are opening up registration to anyone interested, but registration in those other classes is strongly recommended. Details and Sign Up Here

How to Study the Bible

This class is a must for all saints at City Bible Church who have never taken such a course. Even if you have, the reminders in this class are worth it, and the interactions with the text will continue to build you up. Sign Up Here

Christian Theology

What does the Bible say about everything in the Bible? Continue to fortify the foundation for your life as we survey the areas of Systematic Theology together. Sign Up Here


Please sign up to be baptized, and/or learn more about believer's baptism. 

How to Preach the Gospel (Evangelism)

Our equipping the saints to do evangelism takes a variety of forms, yet the primary form of teaching is doing. Please join us on one of our church outreaches to pray, observe, and be trained in reaching the world with the Good News of Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ. Please click here to be added to the notification list. 

Members Meeting

In case you missed the email earlier this week, please save time on September 2 to join our quarterly members meeting. We have some important updates to discuss and pray about together, including the budget for our next and new fiscal year. 

Community Groups

Small group church body life is beginning soon! In September, we are looking forward to kicking off the new church year in community groups. Whether you've been away, on break, or visiting for the first time, please stay tuned for some exciting details coming soon!


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