Regathering Update 6/7/20
June 6, 2020Church Family!
We are excited to announce that beginning this coming Sunday, June 7th, as was previewed in our last email, our church has four options to worship together:
- In-Person Service at 10:00am (first 100 registrations)
- In-Person Service at 12:15pm (first 100 registrations)
- Livestream @10am in Small Groups
- Livestream @10am while Staying-at-Home
Since this meeting space is new, please see the instructions for registration and guidelines below.
In-Person Service
Our building for this season is located near the corner of Stockton Blvd. and Lawrence Drive- about 2 miles away from Hiram Johnson High School. The address is:
Registration is required to attend our in-person services. Since we are limiting our capacity to 100 people, you must register prior to attending on Sunday.
Please note that when one of the in-person services is fully booked, that time option will no longer be available in the registration selection (it will be grayed out). Please select another service time.
The service will be 1 hour & 15 minutes to allow for proper cleaning in between services. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the service begins so that the volunteers can seat you in a designated area. Please register everyone in your family unit who will require a seat.
Gathering Guidelines
- In order to comply with the mandatory state and county health guidance, we will take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and that we are above reproach.
- Review the detailed Guidelines provided HERE as you prepare for Sunday
(Please read the detailed guideline PDF, but here is snapshot of the primary changes )
- Please refrain from coming if you have any symptoms or feel sick in any way, or if you have anyone in the home who is ill or showing symptoms.
- Nursery and Children’s ministry will not be available at this time. If you have children, please keep them with you and under your supervision. Bring things to keep your children occupied during the service. There will be families and kids and in the sanctuary, please be prepared for minor noise from little kids during the service.
- Use the restroom at home to limit the use at the location.
- Our volunteers will be seating family units, therefore you must wait for someone to guide you to and from your seats in a specific order. After the service, you will be escorted out of the sanctuary.
- Hand sanitizing stations will be placed at designated areas in the sanctuary.
- The CDC recommends wearing masks, but since it’s not required we leave that decision up to each attendee. Please be patient with each other’s preferences.
- Please do not linger in the sanctuary after the service.
- We ask that, as you interact with others, you strive to maintain appropriate social distancing. We recognize there will be a diverse array of comfort levels regarding social interactions. In the spirit of Romans 14, we encourage you to love each other and respect others’ comfort levels in your interactions with them. Please interact outside.
- There is some parking in the front, but the majority of it is in the back of the building.
For everyone else who is not able to attend our corporate worship service, we will livestream the service at 10:00am.
Meeting in Homes
We encourage you to gather in small groups in homes to worship together. If you need help finding people to gather with, please contact or reach out to your community group leader.
See this update for more information - LINK.
Stay at Home
For our vulnerable saints and family, please feel free to continue to worship with us at 10:00am in your homes.
See you soon!