April 26, 2020

O Lord, How Long?

Speaker: Vlad Burlaka Series: Habakkuk Passage: Habakkuk 1:1–4

Trouble & trust, providence & prayer, frustration & fear, God’s goodness & the presence of evil…

In this new series we get to listen in on the prophet Habakkuk talk with God about a world that seems to be falling apart, and in doing so we’ll learn about the One who’s holding it all together.

In the midst of troubling times the prophet Habakkuk ask's God two questions in v.1-4:
1. O Lord, How Long?
2. O Lord, Why?

other sermons in this series

Jun 28


Stability In An Unstable World

Speaker: Vlad Burlaka Passage: Habakkuk 3:16–19 Series: Habakkuk

Jun 21


Remember, He Is Faithful

Speaker: Vlad Burlaka Passage: Habakkuk 3:3–15 Series: Habakkuk

Jun 7


In Wrath Remember Mercy

Speaker: Vlad Burlaka Passage: Habakkuk 3:1–2 Series: Habakkuk